Blog Journal #5

     I've only really been using Twitter to interact with teachers for the purposes of this class. It's not really something I engage with on my own personal time, so I'm learning a lot about how it works. Before this class I had no idea how frequently it was used by teachers, and I imagine it has a similar use for other groups of a wide variety of disciplines. Because it's so informal, I can definitely see myself using it in the future to interact with people in the same professional groups as me to discuss and collaborate. 

The digital divide affects success in schools because some students may not have access to the same online resources that others have. Differences in income and living situations can impact student's internet access, and set them at a disadvantage if a class requires online assignments or interaction as a part of the classwork. If I had students faced with this issue as a teacher, I would always find ways to accommodate them. I wouldn't require classwork online that could not have a paper alternative, and if work is being submitted online to something like Canvas, I would allow them to turn it in in person. 

I think Canvas and Google Docs are both great software to use in a classroom. Canvas is a great way to host assignments and have students turn them in and be graded all in one place. it also seems pretty user friendly. Google Docs is similarly easy to use, and I think outlines the features that it has a lot better than other writing software like Word. Docs can also sync to Canvas, so I think it would be great to use them both in conjunction with each other. 


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