Blog Post #10

     I think surveys and data collection might be useful at the high school or even middle school level of teaching. They could be implemented to see how students reacted two different lesson styles and plans, in order for the teacher to see if it should be repeated. Younger students may not answer such a survey honestly, so implementing it at a high school level might be better. It would help gauge the effectiveness of certain assignments in how well they help students learn, and could be applied to a variety of subjects. 

    I always really enjoy looking at the screenshots of assignments my classmates post on their blogs. it's nice to see how assignments that involve a lot of creativity like the website design or newsletter are interpreted by everyone. I also like hearing about what resources everyone in the class gravitates towards. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who defaults to google drive software, and that a lot of people are much stronger with Microsoft.

    I genuinely really want to learn more about basic coding. I think it could help a lot with making blogs or websites more personalized, especially if I don't have to follow a template. There are a ton of tutorials on basic coding on places like YouTube, so I doubt it would be very difficult to learn. From my experience, coding definitely has a learning curve, but it's incredibly useful for a lot of things. 


  1. Great post! I would argue that surveys could still be helpful in elementary school if they were directed at parents rather than students. I love that this class has sparked an interest in coding for you, and I'd highly recommend an intro level coding class at FSU!


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