Blog Journal #3

 Copyright gives you the legal right to intellectual property you have created as long as it is both original and fixed. This means that it both needs to be a new creation, and solidified in a specific medium. Fair use encompasses ways to use copyrighted material in a way that is not copyright infringement. Based on the type of copyright, fair use can include derivative works meant to add to or satirize the original work, or that specifically credit the original creator. 

Academic dishonesty can be prevented by using software like Turnitin, which checks submitted documents for plagiarism. It would also be beneficial to explain to students the dangers of plagiarism, and  the consequences that would ensue if they submitted another's work as their own. Student privacy could be addressed by only using technology in the classroom that gives the option to be anonymous. Certain websites often used in schools like kahoot or socratic both give students the ability to include their names so participation can be documented, without making an account or providing other information that could put their digital privacy in jeopardy. 

As I mentioned previously, I'm not very used to using Word, so I feel I learned quite a lot from the Newsletter assignment. I didn't know how to shade sections or work with column formatting, which could both be very useful in the future. If I were to design another newsletter, I would probably spend a little more time on the aesthetics, finding better fonts and changing the color of the entire page if possible. Even if I do not go into education as a career, being an English major, a better grasp of how to use Word will definitely be beneficial. 



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