I used Word whenever I completed assignments online up until 7th or 8th grade. It worked well for me at the time, but I always found the interface a little alienating, especially some of the tools. Around then I was introduced to google docs, which I feel is just a little more user friendly. Most of my classes in high school required work to be submitted as a google doc, so I'm much more comfortable with it now than I was with Word. I've noticed that FSU professors sometimes prefer Word, which I'm fine with using, I just prefer Docs because it is what I'm familiar with and it feels more user friendly. 

I think the designer standard is the most important when it comes to teaching with technology. It requires teachers to create innovative learning experiences with technology, and to use it to accommodate individual student's needs. I think it's important that the use for technology in classrooms is always used to make lessons more engaging and accessible for students. 

I agree with the term digital native, I just think that it's difficult to create a threshold for what generations are considered digital natives or digital immigrants. I recognize that I might have a better understanding of how technology should function because I've used it for most of my life, as opposed to my parents or grandparents. However, I still remember being very young and without technology, where now I see parents that have toddlers already on an ipad. I think I can call myself a digital native as of now, but in the future when children who grew up with modern technology playing such a huge part in their lives are older, that might have to be redefined. 

"Crooked computer" by revtimtulloch is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


  1. I really enjoyed reading about your thoughts in this blog post. I feel similarly about Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs. It's cool to see that I'm not the only one. You make a great point with the designer standard. Teachers should gear lessons towards their students by utilizing technology. You also make good points on the topic of "digital natives".

  2. I believe your website was designed really well and everything was very easy to find within the site. I enjoyed your designs throughout the website and found them to be very appealing to the eye.


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