Hi! My name is Noelle and I'm a freshman studying editing, writing, and media. Although I'm not yet sure what I want to do as a career, I'm enjoying learning more about how technology can be used in a learning environment. In my free time, I'm usually reading, painting, or watching a movie at the aslc. I'm excited to learn more about teaching as a whole, and to see if that is something I'm interested in pursuing in the future. 

One of my biggest experiences with technology in an educational setting was when the Covid19 pandemic hit my junior year of high school. I went from taking classes in person where a laptop would occasionally be needed to learning online entirely. It seemed like transitioning to online school was a learning experience for both teachers and students alike. Once class began again in person, I felt like I had a much better grasp of how to use technology like Zoom or Canvas for my education. 

Since I am just starting college, I'm still trying to establish myself in personal learning networks. Some of the ones I'm already involved in include the honors college, social media that I use, and the students and resources in Strozier library. Because I'm in the honors college, I have easy access to students that share similar interests and work ethic to me, which is great for any academic support I might need from my peers. In terms of more information oriented learning networks, social media and the Strozier library have helped me learn more about events happening on campus and study resources I might need respectively. 


  1. Hi Noelle, I enjoyed reading your first blog post. I learn a lot about you. I found that we have few things in common. For example, I also like to paint in my free time and I also feel like because I am a freshman in college I am still developing my personal learning network. So far your PLN is pretty solid, but hopefully, overtime you are able to expand it even more. One thing that I think has helped me to expand my personal learning network a bit to include more experienced or knowledgeable people is meeting with the advisors in my major whenever I need advice to develop good connections and keep learning from them. Lastly, I hope that whatever career path you end up deciding on is something you enjoy!


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